Calling all Music Lovers! We at PipTix® are passionate about working with the arts and entertainment community that thrives in the New York area. PipTix® was started for two reasons: to provide discounted tickets to New Yorkers who love the community as much as we do but can’t afford the steep prices, and to work with producers and performers who live to share their creations and skills with the world.
By joining our group, you gain access to 30+ years of industry knowledge and the opportunity to get discounted tickets to events around New York. And as a bonus, you won't pay any membership fee.
Before reserving and buying tickets, we ask you to agree to a few rules, found on our Terms and Conditions page. You can see this page after registering, and a link to this page will be included in your "Thanks for Joining" email. These rules focus on discretion at venues, as we are a private community not open to just anyone. The rules also emphasize respect for the venues and the staff who work there, for these discounted tickets are a special privilege provided by the event producers and artists. Your respectful and courteous behavior keeps you in the community and encourages producers to offer PipTix more events in the future.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 917-513-3080 or send an email to
We hope to see you at one of our events soon! Molly